Property photo services: photos and inspections of real estate, personal property, vehicles, equipment. Bring a valid, government issued photo ID with you when you visit for notary services. Must be government issued and include photo. Acceptable identification includes: State issued driver's licenses, State identification cards, passport or military identification cards.
Identification cannot be expired for more than 3 years in Washington State for notary to use as valid identification. However, verify your documents do not require the notary to document a current unexpired identification. Be sure the documents are complete and ready for signature. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney. The notary public is prohibited from helping you to prepare, complete, or understand legal documents.
Make sure you arrange to have additional witness available with valid identification if your document requires them. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities typically don't allow their employees to be witnesses due to legal liability or laws that prohibit them from assisting.
Identification cannot be expired for more than 3 years in Washington State for notary to use as valid identification. However, verify your documents do not require the notary to document a current unexpired identification. Be sure the documents are complete and ready for signature. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney. The notary public is prohibited from helping you to prepare, complete, or understand legal documents.
Make sure you arrange to have additional witness available with valid identification if your document requires them. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities typically don't allow their employees to be witnesses due to legal liability or laws that prohibit them from assisting.
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